Tag: best salad dressing

Recipe: Romaine, Red Pepper, Radish, and Fresh Ricotta Salad

Recipe: Romaine, Red Pepper, Radish, and Fresh Ricotta Salad

I love making salads from leftovers in the refrigerator and because we are now in a recession I can tell you all about it and not feel cheap!   Here’s a salad I put together yesterday and it was not only incredibly tasty, but it filled me up way past my regular dinner time. Ingredients: – 1 head of Romaine lettuce […]

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Classic Italian Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette Recipe

Classic Italian Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette Recipe

Classic Italian Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette Recipe We’re usually a bit more refined here at Scordo and don’t make crude remarks but we stand behind the following claim: folks who purchase bottled salad dressing are as misguided as people who have plastic plants in their home; so, next time you reach for your bottle of Kraft Ranch Dressing just whip […]

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