Pasta with Garlic, Olive Oil, and Parsley or Aglio e Olio
As a young chap, I lived with my grandparents in the typical “Everyone Loves Raymond” environment; that is to say, my parents lived on the second floor apartment of a two family home while my grandparents occupied the first floor apartment. On most Saturday afternoons I would wander down to my grandparents place and receive a boatful of kisses and the eternal question, “what do you want to eat for lunch?” And my answer would always be, “Nonna,can I please have Pasta with Garlic, Olive Oil, and Parsley or Aglio e Olio”

Pasta Alio e Olio, translated literally as pasta with garlic and oil, is still one of my favorites and I end up making it a few times a month and when I’m filling particularly lazy once per week. Here’s our simple Pasta with Garlic, Olive Oil, and Parsley or Aglio e Olio recipe:

- ¼ - ½ pounds of linguine or linguine fini (idea for this recipe, but you could improvise and use most any pasta shape)
- One bunch of finely chopped parsley
- 5-6 cloves, chopped finely
- ¼ cup of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
- Kosher salt and pepper to taste.
- Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
- Bring a large pot of fresh water to boil and drop the pasta into the pot. Add a bit of salt and stir (linguine usually takes between 7-10 minutes, depending on brand).
- While the pasta cooks, add extra virgin olive oil to a medium sized pan along with the garlic and saute slowly. Add Kosher salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes (slowly cook for another 2-5 minutes).
- Drain the pasta and save a bit of the starchy water. Add the pasta to the pan along with the parsley and mix well (at this point either add a bit more olive oil or some of the pasta water, I usually do both).
- Use kitchen tongues to work the condiment into the pasta. Finally, add the grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and mix one more time. Plate the pasta and add a little bit more cheese.
- The pasta dish is simple, classic, and real southern Italian comfort food.
So I didn’t have all the right ingredients on hand, but I tried this recipe with what I did have. I used American pasta (I’m sorry!), basil, and some Parmesan and Romano cheese (from a can…sorry again!). Even with my sub par ingredients, it was still great! Thanks for the recipe!!
Thanks for trying the pasta dish! No worries on not having the right ingredients (short little story: when my parents came over from Italy in the early 70’s they could not find, nor afford, olive oil, so they just used corn oil instead, not the same but it did the trick!).
I’m glad you liked the dish and it came out well! Basil isn’t a bad substitute but you need to add it at the very end, it’s a bit more flimsy and delicate then parsely.
Yeah, I added the basil at the very end. I’ve cooked with it many times before and figured it would taste good in this recipe. Keep up the good work! I really enjoy hearing about your family history as I have a huge fascination with Italy. 🙂
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hi,thanks for the recipe and by the way the pasta makes me real hungry.A++
Correction – Aglio e Olio e Peperoncino
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Hi Mutuelle,
No, you are correct. In fact, changes in recipes are how new recipes and food types are created. I, for example, love grated cheese on pasta with fish (a no, no in the Italian culinary world; but I suspect even this rule will change over time).
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ah yes, very good linguini!!! I also love it this way. And yes, I was also always greeted with kisses and “come on, manja, manja”
It’s mangia, mangia. Not manja, manja.
Sorry but I couldn’t help myself.
VIncent, this was Sinatra’s favorite dish, and it is one of mine as well. I always have a nice crusty loaf of bread and a glass of wine with it. It’s simple, but as you said, comfort food!
Thanks for the great info and reply. Who doesn’t love Italian comfort food!
Love, Love, Love MEATLESS Friday Dinner = Pasta Aglio et (e) Olio w/ Broccoli Rabe.
This is such a fabulous recipe. It’s a staple at our house. I made it even healthier by using just the pasta water and no oil at the end, and cutting out the cheese. I also add broccoli and pine nuts to it. The family loves it! (as do friends, neighbors…really this is my go to meal when I have to entertain people with picky pallets).
We are having this for dinner tonight with fresh Italian flat leaf parsley picked this morning from our garden, Greek extra virgin olive oil, and parsley. I don’t use cheese with this, instead I grate black pepper on each serving. Love this for sure and even my Irish heritage husband does now too. 😀