Updated: October, 2012
The following post is a long time in the making and is a non comprehensive and wholly unscientific list of some of the Top Italian Themed Food and Lifestyle Sites and blogs on the web (English language only), at least from our perspective.
Living the Italian life comes so easily to dyed in the wool Italians but is difficult to achieve for us non native Italians born, and living, in other parts of the world.
The sites and blogs below help us experience and live as Italians do through their original content on food, travel, and lifestyle. After all, the next best thing to living as Italians is to experience the Italian life through the lens of people who understand it best!
Grazie, all lovers of the Italian life.
Aglio, Olio and Peperoncino
Eleonara is based in Roma and covers varied topics – all focused on the Italian life.
Blog From Italy
Alex runs this “general” news from Italy blog, including music, travel, and “good Italian things”
Bleeding Espresso
An ex-pat, and former attorney, living in Calabria Michelle shares her experience about Calabrian culture, food, etc.
Calabria From Scratch
Authentic recipes from Calabria via an engineer turned cookbook author.
Ciao Chow Linda
Linda does it all; cook great food, eat at great Italian restaurants, and take wonderful photos.
Ciao Amalfi
Laura is an American writer who now lives and writes exclusively about the Amalfi Coast.
Divina Cucina
Judy, living in Florence since 1984, is a professional chef and expert on all things Italian and food.
Eat Italian
Billed as the online community for Italian food lovers we like the site’s passion for sharing recipes and reviewing restaurants.
Frutto Della Passione
Joanne’s blog is all about Italian food.
The Italian Dish
Elaine, from Michigan, USA, was inspired by her Italian born mother and now churns out great Italian recipes and photos.
Italian Food Forever
Deb’s married into an Italian family and shares her recipes with you on her wonderful site.
Melanie has a focus on travel and Italy.
La Cucina Italiana
A Italian food and lifestyle magazine with a growing online presence – we’ve always loved this magazine
My Melange
Robin has some great food photos, as well wonderful content on traveling to Italy and France.
Memorie di Angelina
Frank, a Washington DC attorney, runs one of the most authentic Italian food sites in the English language.
My Bella Vita
Cheryl focuses on life and travel in Southern Italy (from a woman originally from the American south!)
Ms. Adventures in Italy
Run by Sarah who has lived all over Italy.
Why Go Italy
Travelling to Italy, then visit Jessica’s comprehensive site.
Nicole writes about general Italian goings-on.

BlogfromItaly.com at number 1! Why thanks Vincent – coming from you that’s quite an accolade! You also run a very interesting blog on Italian culture, I have to say.
There’s a good selection of blogs and other web sites on Italy in your list – if people have the time, they’ll get a good idea of what Italy is all about from them – not to mention some great inside info on where to go, what to see, and what to eat and drink in Italy.
Thanks, once again, and keep on blogging, and have a great weekend.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the kind words! I know I’ve missed a few good sites, so do let me know if you think others should be included. I listed the sites in no particular order, but just edited the list to be alphabetical (at the risk of insulting; everyone should be at the top!).
Ciao Vince! Thank you so very much for including Ciao Amalfi in your list of Italy themed blogs. It’s a great list and I’m definitely honored to have been included. 🙂 Grazie mille!
Oops – got hold of the wrong end of the stick – thought it was a list of your fave Italy sites with BfI coming in at number 1 – like a hit. Now I’m at number 2 -boo hoo. It’s tough in the blogging business – was hoping to go triple platinum.
Anyway – it’s a good list, and for more Italy blogs to explore, do check out this: http://italytutto.com/
– You might make some interesting discoveries there.
Thanks for including me in your list 🙂
Hi Vince,
Love what you’re doing. Please include us!
Hear the music, Taste the flavors, Smell the aromas, and be Touch by the Italian people.
Hey Vince! Thanks for including me in this list! Talk about being in great company! It really made my morning to see this.
Un bacione! 🙂
Nice list Vince, some fine resources here. I’m subscribed to a couple already, but will check out the others. Scordo.com tops my list!
Great list! Perhaps an addition?
Thanks for the site, Adrian!
Joe, you’re going to make my head swell! Thanks for the compliment and glad the list was good.
Grazie mille for the shot out.
Sono molto felice.
Hi – Just found your blog and am so glad I did. I’m going to have a lot of fun perusing through the archives. Thanks so much for including me on this list.
Ciao – great site & blog list! I am an American expat living in Le Marche. My husband & I started an organic farm, inn & cooking school. We’ve got a fun blog filled with stories, festivals, day trips & loads of recipes!
La Tavola Marche
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every
point very well. Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your
next post too.
Ciao! Great blog! As an American in Sicily, I identify with the love of all things Italian =) http://anamericaninsicily.com/